Final Fantasy 16: Square Enix didn’t have enough time to prepare the PC version

Final Fantasy 16 It will be released exclusively for PlayStation 5 on June 22nd, although Square Enix’s original plan was nothing other than to release the version for computers on the same day. As Naoki Yoshida, producer of the sixteenth Final Fantasy, revealed the team behind the title I had thought the PC port would be released at the same time as the Sony console version., but that this had to be postponed due to time constraints. Of course, it makes it clear that the port will come at some point and that you will work “carefully”.

Even if Yoshida did not specify when the version for computers will be releasedThe team is working to tweak it so that it has a “fluid load” and works properly. As said, the reason the port wasn’t released alongside the PS5 version is that those responsible didn’t have time to prepare it.

Returning through the front door of a legendary saga

Final Fantasy 16 It has everything to bring the saga back to the mainstream phenomenon it became during the PlayStation era. The tone is clearly inspired by Game of Thrones fits perfectly and will catch the attention of many who have never played these role-playing games. The commitment to action translates into a spectacular combat system that promises plenty of depth and also helps to attract a more global audience. But we believe the key, if it is to be retained in the full title, is the rhythm, An emotional rollercoaster ride in which events keep happening that leave us speechless“, we sum up our overall impressions.

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